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Signs that You Need a New CV Joint

Replace CV Joint - Car Maintenance TipsLoud Noises

These will be heard especially when you’re turning your car. For example, when you shift the gear into reverse, step on the gas pedal or turn the wheel completely to one side, you will be able to hear popping sounds. This means that you have a bad CV Joint and need to get it replaced. Go to your nearest CV joint repair shop and buy yourself a new one today!

Weird knocking sounds can also be heard when your car is trying to tell you that you need a new CV joint. To test this, you can accelerate and decelerate your car.

Tire Grease

Tire grease is one of the biggest signs that let you know that you need to go to a CV axle repair shop as soon as possible. When you see grease on the edge of your tires or even a tiny crack, it’s time to get your CV joint replaced.

Turbulent Driving

Another one of the biggest signs that you need a new CV joint is the turbulence. This can be confirmed by driving on flat plains and if your car is still bouncing, you need to get a new CV joint.

Excessive Vibration

When your CV joint starts vibrating excessively, you’ll know it’s time to get a new one.  When you’re driving, the vibrations might keep increasing which will make driving a hassle. It won’t be a smooth ride and if there are other people in the car, their safety might be jeopardized. A vibrating CV joint might make the driver lose control of the car, which is extremely dangerous. This is why the CV joint should be replaced as soon as possible.

Costs of Getting a CV Joint

CV joints are reliable and long lasting. It depends on whether you are replacing it yourself or asking a professional. If you believe a professional can do a better job than you, visit your nearest CV joint replacement shop today!

Benefits of Getting a New CV Joint

If you’re still not convinced, here are the benefits that come with replacing your CV joint.

Smooth Driving

One of the biggest advantages of getting your CV joint replaced is the smooth ride you get afterward. Your car will stop vibrating as much and the ride will be much smoother and safer. If you like driving, this will be a therapeutic experience for you and you will fall in love with driving again.

Safe Ride

Nothing is more important than you and your family’s safety. A bad CV joint doesn’t sound as scary until it does. Make sure you replace your CV joint as soon as it goes bad.

Need a CV Joint Replaced?

We hope you’re convinced. Visit your nearest CV joint replacement/auto repair shop today!  If you don’t have an established relationship with an auto repair center near Fraser, give Car Guys Auto Center a call at 586-285-4444. We are located at 32639 Groesbeck Hwy., Fraser.

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