Safe and Smart Winter Driving Habits

Safe and Smart Winter Driving HabitsExtreme weather can not only be frightening but dangerous as well as drivers. In fact, studies show that winter storms, sloppy road conditions, and bad weather play a part in at least half a million road accidents and nearly 2,000 road fatalities every winter. It is also imperative to note that winter also brings with it freezing temperatures coupled with strong winds. Unfortunately, when either or all of these weather elements occur while you are driving on the road, your lovely road trip will suddenly change into a nearly life-threatening experience. Not only will you have to navigate through poor visibility, strong winds, and ice, but you’ll also have to keep an eye on other road users, especially fellow drivers. And if you want to stay safe on the road during these tough times, you’ll have to pay attention to the above-mentioned factors.

Of course, this doesn’t entirely imply that you can’t have an enjoyable ride during winter. It only means that any time you go out on your vehicle during the cold season, you’ll have to be careful to stay safe. After all, you are always going to be inconvenienced at the very least. Thankfully, you can safely navigate through the tricky winter roads with proper preparation. Below are practical and effective tips on how to drive safely during hazardous winter road conditions.

  • Smart practices and winter essentials: Prevent your windshield wipers from getting frozen on your windshield through a proactive approach. If you lack wipers that are movable in an upright position, roll up two socks and put one under each of your windshield wipers to solve this particular issue.
  • Use your hand sanitizer to de-ice your door locks: To successfully de-ice your door locks in the middle of winter, just pour a relatively smaller amount of it onto each door lock and they never suffer from freezing temperatures.
  • If you realize that there is a chance of you getting stuck in the middle of the road, staying inside your car should be your best bet toward enhancing your safety. However, you’ll first have to ensure that your tailpipe isn’t blocked by ice. It is also advisable to turn your dome light on during nighttime and create some form of window banner that is bright enough to be spotted by both authorities and passing fellow drivers.
  • As you drive, do so quite slowly and also don’t use either your cruise control or parking brake when the roads are slick. Accelerate slowly when covering hills as well as when you get off a snowbank.
  • Make it a routine to create a winter driving checklist that includes ensuring you have sufficient gas, charge in your mobile phone, and enough air in your tires.
  • When warming up your vehicle before you hit the roads, examine your tailpipe to confirm that it is not obstructed by snow to any degree!
  • Minimize the risk of skidding and get extra traction through kitty litter: It has been proven that additional weight allows any vehicle to mitigate or prevent skidding. But kitty litters will not only prevent your car from skidding incidences but will also give your extra protection when you get stuck as they can also act as traction agents.
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