- April 3, 2020
- By Auto Repair Shop Fraser 48026
- In Auto TIps
- Tags auto maintenance, michigan maintenance, preventative auto maintenance
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Right now, during these unsettling times as the result of Covid-19, Americans throughout the country are taking inventory of everything – from food and disinfectants to household supplies and gasoline, folks are making lists and following them.
But, another vital part of their lives that might be getting pushed back a bit too far away right now is their car. Even with “shelter in place” directives enacted in many states throughout the U.S. in an effort to stall the spread of Covid-19, you are still allowed to drive to essential places for essential things.
But what if your car doesn’t cooperate? What if you need to get to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription and your car has other plans . . . like, you’ve got a flat tire.
This is not designed to cause you more stress. On the contrary, this article is dedicated to making sure you alleviate one possible issue of stress from your life. So, with a little proactivity today, you can preempt and prevent many of the emergency auto repair issues that can arise during these uneasy, unusual and unpredictable times.
And, right now, since many Americans are working from home or not working at all due to Covid-19 related shut-downs and lay-offs, you likely have more time in your day to take the necessary steps to ensure your car remains 100% reliable. So, make preventative maintenance a priority by checking and taking care of your automobile’s essentials.
Here are the things you need to do – right now – to be current with the preventative maintenance your car may need.
Schedule a Preventative Maintenance Appointment.
Preventative maintenance includes:
Checking, topping off and changing your oil
Checking your tire pressure
Rotating your tires
Checking all other fluids
Essentially, preventative maintenance includes paying attention to vital aspects of your car to make sure they don’t cause a serious problem in the future. Preventative maintenance also gives you the comfort in knowing that the better you take care of your car upfront, the longer it will last.
Furthermore, once you follow through and are able to take your car to your auto mechanic you could be saving yourself a great deal of stress that’s awaiting you just around the corner (literally).
Let’s say you’re getting your tire checked, or you have scheduled a rotation when your mechanic takes a look, it will be noticed that the tread on one of your tires is really low. If you weren’t aware of that and did nothing, you could have a blowout or hydroplane. And in that case, you’re really inconvenienced, and life has just become more expensive and stressful.
And that’s just an example regarding your tires. Your brakes, oil, and fluids also need to be checked in advance of any issues.
Preventative maintenance is always important. But these steps are even more important in light of the Coronavirus situation. The last thing you want to happen is to be stranded on your way to somewhere really important, like checking in on an elderly loved one. Roadside assistance is likely less available these days than it is during normal times. Do yourself and your family a favor and take preemptive steps to make sure you can rely on your car.
Car Guys Auto Center is located at 32639 Groesbeck Hwy., Fraser. Give us a call for all your auto repair needs at 586-285-4444.