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Metro Detroit Auto Mechanic Provides Summer Auto Care Tips

Metro Detroit Auto Mechanic Provides Summer Auto Care TipsIf you have lived in Michigan long enough, you probably can’t wait for summer to arrive. But did you know that heat can be tough on your vehicle? This is especially true if you plan on taking more road trips during these warmer months. Keep reading to learn a few summer auto care tips from Car Guys Auto Center.

Inspect Cooling Systems

Keeping cool in the summertime is crucial. Just as we like to stay cool, cars do as well. Always keep an eye on the coolant level. The next step is to inspect the integrity of the hoses and the coolant supply container.

Also be sure to check the joints and connection points for leaks, especially where the hoses connect directly to the engine. When the engine cools down, don’t forget to squeeze the hoses. This helps make sure the hoses are still in good condition. If the hose is firm its fine, but if they feel soft or squishy, contact a Metro Detroit auto mechanic to replace them.

Importance of Your Engine Belt

It is common for engine belts to overheat and snap during the summer. Your engine belt (often referred to as a serpentine belt) is essential to keeping your car running. It runs the vehicles fan, power steering pump and several other vital components. Unfortunately these belts just don’t have enough strength to hold up against the summer heat and the constant friction from the engine once they have even the slightest bit of deterioration.

An car inspection from your local auto mechanic is good way to determine your belt’s current condition. If your engine belt has any cracks or missing pieces, it must be replaced to prevent it from overheating and snapping.

Managing Essential Fluids and Filters

Always inspect your vehicle’s oil levels after completing oil changes. Putting in the wrong amount of oil can result in a cracked engine  – which is a major problem you do not want to be faced with this summer.

Check essential fluids like power steering, brake and transmission fluids to maximize the lifespan of your vehicle.  After checking all of the fluids, bring your attention to the air filters. Over the course of the year, leaves and other debris can clog the air filters drainage points. This destroys the filtration systems resulting in a definite replacement of the air filters.

Contact a Metro Detroit Auto Mechanic for More Help with Your Vehicle

So there you have it – tips on how to enhance your car’s performance during the intense summer heat.

If you are not mechanically inclined and would prefer to rely on a professional mechanic to handle all of your vehicle inspections, contact the auto experts at Car Guys Auto Center in Fraser, MI.

At Car Guys Auto Center, all of our services are performed by highly qualified & certified mechanics. To inquire about our services or to schedule an inspection for your vehicle, call:  (586) 285-4444.

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