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Macomb County Auto Repair Shop Explains How to Extend the Life of Your Vehicle

Macomb County Auto Repair Shop Explains How to Extend the Life of Your VehicleWhether you are driving a brand new car off the dealership lot or you have a vehicle with several thousand miles on it, it is important to stay up to date on proper vehicle maintenance.

Keep reading to learn 4 tips that will help you get the most out of your vehicle.

1. Familiarize Yourself with the Owner’s Manual

When you purchase a vehicle, regardless if it is new or used, it is important to read the owner’s manual and keep it handy. Oftentimes, car owners will take a quick glance at the manual and then tuck it away, never looking at it again until it’s time to turn in or sell the vehicle.

Your owner’s manual is a valuable resource as it explains every feature and function of your car. Getting to know your vehicle inside and out can help you address future problems quickly instead of panicking and wondering what to do next.

The owner’s manual will also list all of the required maintenance procedures for your vehicle and when to have them done.

2. Drive with Care

If your car is brand new, there is a break in period (usually the first 1,000 miles) where you will need to give your vehicle a little extra care. For example, avoid high speeds, heavy loads or idling for long periods.

After the break in period, there are still daily driving habits that will help you extend the life of your vehicle.

  • Do not rev the engine right after starting the car.
  • Preserve your engine and transmission by putting the car in neutral at stop lights.
  • Most wear and tear on your vehicle will happen in the first few minutes of being on the road. Avoid short trips or consolidate short driving trips into one day.
  • Do not accelerate too quickly in extreme hot or cold temperatures.

3. Maintenance is Key

Like most investments, maintenance plays a huge part in maximizing the life of your vehicle.

Have the Oil Changed Regularly – Be sure to get an oil change every 3,000-5,000 miles or follow your owner’s manual recommendation.

Change Filters – Change your oil filter every other oil change. You will also need to check fuel filters, transmission filters and air filters. Your owner’s manual will indicate how often to check or change these filters

Check Fluids – Whether you or a mechanic will be changing the oil, fluid levels should be checked during every oil change. This includes brake fluid, power steering fluid, transmission fluid and coolant.

4. Have Access to a Macomb County Auto Repair Shop

It is best find a reputable auto mechanic before you experience car trouble and keep their contact information with you at all times. Just as you have plans in place for home emergencies, you should also prepare for sudden vehicle emergencies or break downs.

If you are looking for an experienced auto repair shop that services Macomb County, Car Guys Auto Center can perform auto repairs such as brakes, suspension and steering, heating and cooling and more.

Contact Car Guys Auto Center by Calling (586) 285-4444

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