- July 1, 2018
- By Auto Repair Shop Fraser 48026
- In Auto Repair Tips
- Tags auto tips, car battery, michigan auto mechanic
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As great as the summertime is, it can make car rides seem unbearable. Avoiding and preventing the most common summertime car problems can be easier with a diligent eye and knowing what to look for. Don’t let the summertime control how your car runs . Keep reading to learn tips on how to prevent common car problems during this season.
A broken A/C unit can be a miserable experience during the summer months but there are ways to prevent your car’s A/C from becoming inoperative.
The A/C unit in your car typically has to work in overtime during hot days. When the air outside is hot, the A/C has to work that much harder to produce cool air. To prevent A/C trouble, frequently check your fluid levels. You should also ensure that the electrical system and your battery are in working order. If you are currently experiencing A/C troubles, then contact a local auto mechanic to check the refrigeration fluid in your car.
The heat makes car batteries work harder. Batteries have to exert more energy to keep up with the A/C, as well as powering the car itself. As you would expect, older batteries will have a hard time running in the summer. You should change batteries every 3-5 years. For extra precaution, keep a pair of jumper cables and even an extra battery in your trunk. In the case of a dead battery, you can be prepared.
Other than the heat, the summertime rainstorms can wear out your wipers. At any moment, the clouds are liable to turn grey and start raining. Every time you get caught driving in the rain, you wear out your wipers more. Worn wipers can make driving conditions dangerous, especially if you get caught in a thunderstorm.
In the summer’s sun, your gasoline will turn into vapor within the fuel tank. This creates a pressure that is relieved through a system of hoses which stores it in another tank for holding. If there are any cracks or leaks within the hose then the gasoline can escape. You will notice the consequentially lowered fuel efficiency. Always make sure your fuel cap is on tight. Also, take notice if you find yourself burning through more fuel than usual. If you have a gas leak then you should also be able to smell it.
Other than average car maintenance like checking tire pressure and oil, you should try to always make sure your car is working in proper condition. If you notice even the slightest change, fixing the problem early can save you tons of money. If you don’t act fast, you might find yourself paying for expensive car parts. Keep a watchful eye and don’t let the summer ruin your ride.
Rather than worrying or wondering if the summer heat is impacting your vehicle, stop in for a diagnostic visit today or give us a call at (586) 285-4444! We look forward to hearing from you!