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How to Make Sure Your Vehicle is Ready for Your Summer Road Trip

How to Make Sure Your Vehicle is Ready for Your Summer Road TripWith the weather warming up in Michigan, many people are planning summer road trips. Whether you have an adventure planned across the country or your are just headed north to your cabin, make sure that your vehicle is up to the task. Nothing can ruin a fun road trip quicker than car trouble.

Schedule a Check Up

There are several steps you can take to prepare for your journey, such as checking your oil, transmission fluid and tire pressure. But when you are inspecting more important parts of your vehicle such as brakes, you really should involve a professional mechanic.

Schedule an appointment with an auto mechanic. Tell them you are planning a trip and you would like to have the car inspected. Oftentimes auto repair shops will have a maintenance package in place that includes an oil change, tire rotation and complete inspection.

Read Your Owner’s Manual

When it comes to learning about your specific vehicle, the best resource you will find will be your owner’s manual. Review what the proper tire pressure should be, what the weight limit is for packing and how to address unexpected mishaps like changing a headlight.

Get Under the Hood

Whether it be you or a professional auto mechanic, be sure the following items are inspected:

  • Check the transmission fluid, brake fluid, power steering fluid, windshield washer fluid, and make sure you are up to date on your oil change.
  • Check the engine antifreeze (coolant) level. But be sure to never open the radiator cap if your engine is hot! If you happen to find any leaks, get to an auto repair shop as soon as possible. If your car does not have enough coolant, the engine can overheat which is not only inconvenient but can be dangerous.
  • Check your battery to make sure it’s strong and has clean terminals.
  • Check the air filter to see if it needs changing.
  • Look for anything out of the ordinary such as leaks or abnormal noises coming from the vehicle.
  • Check the tire pressure on all of your tires – this includes the spare. Also be sure you have a jack in operable condition in case you find yourself with a flat.
  • Inspect all electrical components and make sure all of your lights are working.
  • Make sure that your air conditioning is working properly. Nothing will spoil a road trip like being trapped in intense heat for several hours.

Looking for a Macomb County Auto Mechanic to Inspect Your Vehicle?

As stated earlier, there are several ways you can care for your vehicle on your own such as checking fluids and tire pressure. However, if you are not mechanically inclined and you do not feel comfortable with these tasks, a professional mechanic can provide these services for you. And for certain car parts such as brakes and suspension, you will definitely want to hire an experienced auto mechanic to do the inspection.

If you are planning a trip in the near future or simply would like to schedule a check-up for your vehicle, contact a Macomb County auto mechanic such as Car Guys Auto Center in Fraser, Michigan.

For more information on our auto care services or to schedule an appointment, call us today at (586) 285-4444.

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